Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summarizer (Chapter 8) Jannet

Chapter 8 was very interesting,Doon went deep into the tunnel and as he went he found a door that said:CAVED IN,NO ENTRY!!He still went in and he found another door at the end.He wanted to go in,but he thought it was locked and didn't go in.

predicter exploratins ch.8 jose

I predict that Doon is going to tell Lina about the trap door and probly take her to the pipeworks to let her see it. I also predict that Doon is going to take some tools to try to open the trap door. I think that Doon is goin to get lina to see what is her opinion on the trap door.

Questioner ch.8 Austin

Why is Doon so curious?

How come Doon is so lonly and keeps to himself in the pipe works?

Where was Doon going when he was in that cave?

Why does Doon try to avoid the generator?

Why did Doon get mad when they called him bug boy?

How come Doon went to the library to look up the word fire?

Clarifier Ch 8 Terence

Significance: importance, or of consequence

miserably: wretched unhappy or uneasy.

Shrivel: To contract and wrinkle as from great heat, cold or dryness

Predictor CH.8 Gerardo

1.I also think that of the worst black out ever and i think that the ancient generator will have a permanent halt will happen.
2.I also agree with Lina that she should ask Doon for him to help her figure out the ancient document that Linas sister tore up.


What did Doon say when Linawalked in side the library?
Why did doon go to lina's house?
Why was doon looking for the defnation for the word fire?

clarifier ch.8 mcdonald perry

1. Salamander= A small lizard found under rocks.

2. Significance= Importance;consequence.

3. Hogwash=Any worthless stuff.

summarizer ch.8 stephanie

Doon went to the library because he wanted to find the definition of the word fire.Doon found the book but he still did not know what the word fire meant.Then doon said to himself 'this book does not explain anything it's like if i would have made up the definition my self".S0 then doon got tired of looking for the definition of fire and he went to lina's house and lina introduced him to her grandma.While doon was at lina's house lina decided to show him the letter that she found in the closet.Lina thought that the letter was going to be important for him because the letter had something to do with the pipeworks.The letter had to do something with the pipeworks because the letter said something that in the pipeworks their is a door.But doon already found the door that is in the pipeworks so he is not that surprised.