Thursday, June 11, 2009

Clarifier Ch.13 Terence

Desciphering the Message Ch.13 Predicter Jose

For chapter 13 i predict that at Lina is going to be getting help from Doon. I think that Clary and Lina are going to get help from Doon to see what is his opinion on the findings they made. Also, I think that Lina is going to be trying to get support from Doon on her findings.

Summarizer (chapter 13) Janet

In this chapter Doon and Lina discovered what the message said
so Doon told Lina he took an extra key from the pipeworks so
they went to the pipeworks and looked and read what it said they
found the rock with the E.

Summarizer (chapter12) Janet

In this chapter Lina and Doon opened the locked door they seen
the MAYOR in the room filled with food light bulbs well stuff that
the City of Ember needed.So Lina and Doon were in such a hurry
to tell.

Summarizer chapter12

Summarizer chapter12

Questioner ch.13 austin logan

1). Why did Lina feel like the belivers?

2).Why does Clary have sympathy for the mayor?

3).Why did the mayor act like he had no idea what was wrong with the supplies?

clarifier ch.12 Terence

Abundance. an extermmely plentifutor oversfficient.

Wretchedly. unhappy uneasy or umcomfortable miserable.

importance. consequence to contract.

A Dreadful Discovery Ch.12 Predictor Jose

I predict in this chapter that Doon is going to be so exited of the discovery that he made. I also think that Lina is going to go wanting to see the discovery that Doon had made. I think that Lina is going to what is probably behind the door.

summarizer (ch11) Janet

Lina stayed at Mrs.Murdo's house then the next morning she went
to work early then she saw Lizzie.They started to talk then Lizzie told
Lina that she had a boyfriend.His name was Looper.Lina had said that
Looper was funny looking,but Lizzie said she didn't care because Looper
gave her stuff that's why she liked him.

Questioner ch.12 austin logan

1).Why was the mayor being greedy with the supplies?

2).Why did'nt they reconize loopy before?

3).Why are Lina & Doon are in such a hurry to tell the police on the mayor?

questioner ch.11 austin logan

1).Why did Lina spend the whole day at Lizzies house?

2).Who was Lizzie running from?

3).Why did Lizzie wana share with the city her discovery about the extra food in storage?

questioner ch.11 austin logan

Lizzie's Groceries Ch.11 Predicter Jose

In this chapter I predict that Lina is going to stay with Lizzie for a long time.I also predict that Lina is going to be with Lizzie. They both are going to wait for Doon to be with them and talk about the findings. I predict that Lizzie is going to be asking about the instructions that Lina found.

Clarify CH.11 TERENCE

Immixable. not a misable bp winkins.

refreshingly. the power to restore fershnees and vitality.

Astounding. overwhelm and amazement.

clarifer ch13 perry

1. Familiar= commonly or generally known or seen: a familiar sight.

2. Murmuring= a low, continuous sound, as of a brook, the wind, or trees, or of low, indistinct voices.

3. Cluttered= to fill or litter with things in a disorderly manner: All kinds of papers cluttered the top of his desk.

4. Enthusiasm= absorbing or controlling possession of the mind by any interest or pursuit; lively interest.

Summarizer CH.13 Stephanie

As Lina was walking back to her house she is thinking about what Doon told her the day before that he found a door in the pipeworks.As Lina is walking back home she finds people still protesting.She also sees that the believers left home already because nobody was listening to them.Lina sees alot of people mad and throwing their fist's up in the air.That's how mad they are.Then Lina gets back to her house and decides to read the letter again to see if she finds anything.And then she remebers of the door that Doon found in the pipeworks.

Questioner ch.12 Gerardo

1. Why is Looper giving Lizzie all that food?
2.Where does Looper getting the cans and food?
3.Why is Lina and Doon tell the the guard in front of mayor cole's office?


FORCING:active power strength. Amaze:to suprise greaty. COURSE:on ward movement forward progress advance.

Predictor CH.12 Stephanie

1.)I predict that the door Doon fond is going to be very inportant to City Of Ember.

2.)I predict that sooner or later Doon & Lina are going to be able to open the door in the pipeworks.

3.)I predict that Lina & Doon are going to be able to find out what the letter say's and means.

summarizer ch.12 perry

Lina and Doon find out that the mayor is taking the food from the city. Lina decided to tell the police that the mayor is taking the food but they do not believe her and the police grab her on the arm and take her to the mayor so he can decide what to do with her.


SWUNG:past tense and past participle. GASP:to try hard to get your breath with open mouth. SQUARE:a plane figure with four egual sides and four right angles.

blog#4 chapter 11Wesley

Tomato:a kind fruit that grow on a tree. Flinched:to draw back from difficulty danger or pain. Shrugged:to raise the shoulder as an expression of doupt or lack of interest.

Summarizer ch.11 Gerardo

It was about that Lizzie is going out with Looper.And only for the food,and drinks she gets from her boyfriend Looper. I think that she is gold digging of Lopper.And that it isn't fare to a lot of people like Looper,the city,Lina,and to herself.And that Lina started speed walking then started into a run from Lizzie like if she was going to tell somebody alse about the secret between her Lizzie,and looper.

questioner ch.11 perry

1. Where did Looper get the cans of food from?

2. How did Looper get the cans of food?

3. Will Looper get caught with the food?

Predictor Stephanie CH.11

1.)I predict that Lina's grandmother Miss Mayfleet is going to die because she has been very sick.

2.)I predict that Doon and Lina are going to find the door that would lead them to the other city.

3.)I predict that Lina is going to find out if there are hardly any light bulbs left in the supply room or if somebody is just stealling them.

Friday, June 5, 2009

questioner ch.10 austin

How come her grand mother got sick?
Why was granny so concern about the box when she should be concered about herself?
Why did grany say she was getting better when she was dying?

clarifyer ch. 9 Terence Nash

Discontiuned to put and ent to a stop

Carpentry the trade of carpenter.

Salamander and tailed amphian of the oder coudat.

summarizer ch. 9 austin

Land and Doon met and went to her grandmas shop to dis cover the secret note. They kept on protesting and debating what it is.

predicter ch. 9 austin

I pridict that Lina and Doon are gonna find more clues.
I also pridictthat they are going to the unknown regions to look at the place where Doon was.
I pridict that they are going to give up for a while.

Questioner CH.9 terence Nash

why did doon wanted Lina job?

why when Lina do something doon always fix it four her?

why did everybody wanted the paper that Lina little sister found?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

chapter 9 Wesley

1.Why was Lina feeling self conscious? 2. Why did Lina told Doon she found something important? 3. How come Lina stop at her house gust to change her messenger jacket?

Questioner chapter 8 Wesley

Why do Doon feel more urgent after the blackout? Why is Doon keep on going farther into the pipeworks hopping to find something important?
How come every time Doon works near the main tunnel he sometimes walk along the river?

clarifier ch.9 perry

1. Self-conscious= Excessively aware of being observed by others.

2. Unpromising= Unlikely to be favorable or successful, as the weather, a situation, or a career.

3. Slickers= A long, loose oilskin raincoat.

predictor ch.9 Gerardo

1.I predict with Lina that Doon should help Lina to figure out the ancient document.
2.I also predict that Lina and Doon are going to figure out the document in time to save the poeple of Ember.
3.I also predict that the City Ember will fall and that Doon,Lina, and the city will find another city.

summarizer CH.9 stephanie

Lina went to look for Doon at the library.Lina fond Doon reaching out for a book.She told him that she was looking for him everywhere until she found his dad and he told her that he was at the library checking out the definition for something that he was doing in the pipeworks.So then Lina told Doon if he could go over to her house because she had to show him something important.Doon said "ok".So then they both walked to Quillium Square.That is where Lina lives.When they both got to her house she introduced him to her grandma and Lina then showed him the letter.


Why did Lina needed Doon help?
Did Doon help Lina?
What did Doon go to Lina's with out her parents knowing?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summarizer (Chapter 8) Jannet

Chapter 8 was very interesting,Doon went deep into the tunnel and as he went he found a door that said:CAVED IN,NO ENTRY!!He still went in and he found another door at the end.He wanted to go in,but he thought it was locked and didn't go in.

predicter exploratins ch.8 jose

I predict that Doon is going to tell Lina about the trap door and probly take her to the pipeworks to let her see it. I also predict that Doon is going to take some tools to try to open the trap door. I think that Doon is goin to get lina to see what is her opinion on the trap door.

Questioner ch.8 Austin

Why is Doon so curious?

How come Doon is so lonly and keeps to himself in the pipe works?

Where was Doon going when he was in that cave?

Why does Doon try to avoid the generator?

Why did Doon get mad when they called him bug boy?

How come Doon went to the library to look up the word fire?

Clarifier Ch 8 Terence

Significance: importance, or of consequence

miserably: wretched unhappy or uneasy.

Shrivel: To contract and wrinkle as from great heat, cold or dryness

Predictor CH.8 Gerardo

1.I also think that of the worst black out ever and i think that the ancient generator will have a permanent halt will happen.
2.I also agree with Lina that she should ask Doon for him to help her figure out the ancient document that Linas sister tore up.


What did Doon say when Linawalked in side the library?
Why did doon go to lina's house?
Why was doon looking for the defnation for the word fire?

clarifier ch.8 mcdonald perry

1. Salamander= A small lizard found under rocks.

2. Significance= Importance;consequence.

3. Hogwash=Any worthless stuff.

summarizer ch.8 stephanie

Doon went to the library because he wanted to find the definition of the word fire.Doon found the book but he still did not know what the word fire meant.Then doon said to himself 'this book does not explain anything it's like if i would have made up the definition my self".S0 then doon got tired of looking for the definition of fire and he went to lina's house and lina introduced him to her grandma.While doon was at lina's house lina decided to show him the letter that she found in the closet.Lina thought that the letter was going to be important for him because the letter had something to do with the pipeworks.The letter had to do something with the pipeworks because the letter said something that in the pipeworks their is a door.But doon already found the door that is in the pipeworks so he is not that surprised.